Sunday, June 21, 2020

Tina Su Cooper Medical Update

My beloved wife, Tina Su Cooper, has been home for a month or so after two operations, one of them uncovering what would have been a lethal infection if it had continued undetected. She then had four weeks of intravenous antibiotics that saved her life, thanks to the skilled nursing care she gets at home, paid for through my IBM retirement benefits. 

We have had Tina out of bed for a half-hour or so each afternoon the past few days. She is still lethargic,  but sharper when awake than she was in the half-dozen weeks before.

Today, she dozed briefly during a Home and Garden TV program, and I took the opportunity to change channels to watch a few more minutes of news. She awoke during this, read the caption, and asked me, "What's a 'pandemic'?" She clearly understood the answer. 

We returned to watching HGTV, but I happily realized she is still processing information surprisingly well.

Her vital signs are all within normal limits, and her cognitive skills are improving, with our hopes and prayers. She remains our dear, sweet heroine.

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