Sunday, January 29, 2012


It’s 4:56 AM now, and I am fully awake, adrenaline-filled, ready to serve and protect. Less than an hour ago I dreamed I was a rookie cop, partnered with detective Lenny Golino, doing a midnight-to-eight shift, having coffee over our 3 AM “lunch,” when a call came in, and Lenny said we would take it. I grabbed my stuff from the table, stood up, adjusted my holster. The call had come from a familiar address, one we knew so well that I finished saying it for the dispatcher. It was from the elderly lady who has been bedeviled by imagined “little men” in her apartment. Of course, once we got rolling, anything could happen. It’s the midnight shift.

Then I awoke. I was not a rookie cop reacting to a call. I am a retired scientist, now a co-author with a former NYPD detective, current Private Investigator, private eye [“Private I.”?] Lenny Golino, whose vivid recounting to me of some of his experiences on The Force have excited me, as I hope they will excite our readers, once THE SHIELD OF GOLD, our book, is published.

I came downstairs from my bedroom to write this before I forgot it. Our dog, Brandy, found me and requested food and a walk, and I complied on this cool and clear night. I was still happily pumped up from my dream. Content as I am with my life and the choices I have made, I admit I was briefly very disappointed that I wasn’t that rookie going out on that police dispatcher’s call, rather than on Brandy‘s.

Post-script: Lenny and I published his memoir this year and it is available through Outskirts Press,, et al., as a paperback or an ebook. We hope readers will enjoy it and find it informative.


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