Friday, April 19, 2013

TING AND I, Tribute to Tina Su Cooper by Friend Mary Kay Solera


Mary Kay Solera was a good friend of Tina’s in high school, but afterward they lost contact. Recently, through the Internet, they found each other. Mary Kay contributed the following to the Tributes:

Tina was one of the first classmates I encountered at Rush-Henrietta High school in 1959. I had transferred at mid-year from an inner-city high school of 4,000 students. Rush-Henrietta was so much smaller and I had hoped it would be friendlier. Entering in January was very difficult, as student had their “clicks” and groups, and had been together since grade school. I have to say that Tina was the first person to actually talk with me….she was friendly, beautiful, smart, well rounded, and she made me feel welcome.

As the semester continued, we had a few classes together where we got to know each other better. She was so interesting and we found we had many things in common. Tina had a depth and value to the discussions we had and the way she did things. She wasn’t your typical teen talking about frivolous, trivial things, but rather a strong, cultured individual. She was much wiser and more mature than the majority of the class. I truly enjoy and appreciate this about her. We enjoyed some serious debates over a variety of topics. I knew Tina was going to succeed in whatever she decided to do. Her family, Dad, Mom and brother, were just as warm as she was inviting me into their home with some really delightful Chinese hospitality and delicious food.

After graduation everyone went their separate ways and off to college miles away. We married, had children, worked and life just occupied our time. I had tried to locate Tina over the years to no avail.

Thank God for the Internet! I found Tina via a research article and contacted the author. Voilà, we are reconnected!

Tina, may God bless you and your family. You are a blessing to me and to many!

Mary Kay

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