are strongly divided politically: some on the left, right, in the middle, and
in a muddle. There’s lots of interest in politics, and that
interest will increase as we approach the presidential elections in 2016.
Feel free to write about your
convictions, but know that your voice is likely to be drowned out by the
multitude of experts, pollsters, commentators, editorialists, candidates, and
past and present political advisers.
you have celebrity or even renown, or if you have a reasonable hope of becoming
known, then by all means write your political polemic. Those who agree with you
will tend to rate it favorably, and those who disagree will tend to disparage
it. Perhaps some independents will be swayed.
I recall a study that showed
the same material branded as either
“Republican” or “Democrat” received higher or lower marks depending on whether
the readers classified themselves as Republican or Democrat. “Where you stand
often depends on where you sit.”
As with much nonfiction, this
genre will include a mix of facts and opinions, with, hopefully, some logical
Although it has been said that
we cannot each have our own set of facts, the truth is that there is such a multitude of data
comprising our world that, between what we select and what is pushed upon us by
the sources we know and trust, we end up predominantly with the facts that
support our preconceptions.
I’ve watched the controversy
over man-made global warming for the past many years. Being a retired
scientist, as well as somewhat of a political junkie, and recognizing the cost
and potential importance of controlling carbon emissions if they have to be
controlled or enduring a significant change in the climate if that’s what not
controlling them would cause, I have been amazed by the ability of each side to
cherry-pick the data so as to present plausible cases for and against stringent
controls of fossil fuels in order to prevent anthropogenic global warming. Are
we warming naturally, as we emerge from the Ice age of ten thousand years ago?
Are we warming dangerously because of emissions of carbon dioxide and other
gases? Are there feasible solutions?
Pick your expert, pick the periodicals and newspapers you typically read, pick your
political party, and you’ve picked your answer.
go from facts to conclusions, one needs logic. Sometimes fallacies
are evident. Sometimes the technical analyses of the data, often statistical
analyses, are baffling. Experts in the field will disagree on how much
significance to give to small changes in measured quantities. Some will see the
changes to be within the range of random variation, while others discern the
troubling or reassuring trend.
follow from facts and analysis, but even there we have to add another step in
order to reach opinions: valuation.
Opinions are often based on
values, rather than simply being the restatement of conclusions supported by
facts. As anyone who has argued with someone from the opposing political
philosophy knows, even agreement on facts and conclusions does not necessarily produce
agreement on policies, because policies involve trade-offs, balancing values
among competing parties.
One of my writing partners,
Judith Axtell, whose But…at What Cost
I edited, wrote of her gradual move from being rather traditionally liberal and
Democrat to being rather solidly conservative and Republican, over the course
of her 70+ years of life. She hoped that her example and her arguments would
encourage those on her side and perhaps move some who disagree with her to reconsider
their positions. She especially hoped that members of her own family would more
clearly understand where she is now coming from. At the least, she got what she
had to say “off her chest.”
Another of my writer-coaching
clients, Shaun Adkins of West Virginia, is finishing his Squashing Liberalism, with hopes of following the trail blazed by
conservative stalwarts Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, et al. He already has gotten an Internet
radio show, so he may be on his way to fame. Having published his book won’t
Excerpted from my recently published Write Your Book with Me, available from Outskirts Press and from online publishers like amazon.com and bn.com.
See also my writing and coaching site, http://WriteYourBookWithMe.com.
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