Saturday, August 6, 2016

Writing about Health, from WYBWM


Major categories for successful nonfiction books include health, wealth, and relationships.

Yes, we are all going to die sometime. However, we’d like it to be later rather than sooner, and along the way we would like to look good and feel good. So…diet and exercise, and maybe meditate.

If you have the credentials, possibly if you only have experience, you can write credibly about these topics.

One of my writer drop-outs wanted to write a book about weight loss through exercise and diet, having lost scads of weight she had put on during and after a divorce. She took up body-building and developed a body that most men would like…to have themselves. My limited test marketing with some women I knew indicated that they did not want to learn how to look like her.

I did learn that 3600 calories are equivalent to about a pound of fat, and that much of the early weight loss in various diets is due to excretion rather than fat loss. While most of us expend around 1500 calories per day, the Navy SEAL trainees expend 6000 calories per day.

If you want to look slimmer, you need to eat less and do more. Hey, I’ve got the basis for a book, How to Look like a SEAL. Maybe not. At least it isn’t How to Look Like a Seal, although they are sleek.

Short of being a psychiatrist or a psychologist, what credentials do you need to be a mind- or mood-improver? One of my other writing dropouts was a kind of martial-artist-plus-meditator in a get-up, who eventually drifted off into multi-level marketing.

They say that old age is not for sissies, and neither is writing a book. Expect to spend hundreds of hours on it. And lots of mental calories.


Excerpted from my magnum opus, Write Your Book with Me, published by Outskirts Press and available from OP as well as from online booksellers like and

Consider visiting my writing-coaching-editing site for a free ebook version of WYBWM and a free consultation on your plans to write and publish your book. 

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