you want to write about money? Better have a lot of it. For
credibility. Who heeds a pauper? Plus, to
cover any lawsuit that might ensue from someone who followed your advice and
failed. I’ll say it here and perhaps elsewhere in this book: take all financial advice, even or
especially mine, with skepticism. Do your own “due diligence.” “Past
performance is no guarantee of future results.” Clear? Now we can continue.
It makes “the world go around.” Most people want to make more
of it and waste less. For this genre, academic credentials seem almost
made a bundle brings credibility. Buffett, Gates, Trump, and
their ilk are well suited to write, but often too busy getting richer. And yet,
since “past performance is no guarantee of future results,” as the SEC (Securities
Exchange Commission) makes the investment community remind us all, we are to
ignore (as if we could) that so-and-so got rich quick doing whatever it is he
claims was key.
can’t imagine scientists saying “past performance is no guarantee of future
results,” or we’d have no science, no engineering, no equations,
just hunches and guesses and a lot of bridges of doubtful reliability.
is boring, but important. Putting a bit away regularly for a rainy day will
enable you to buy an umbrella when you need one. If
inflation kicks up, you may not be able to buy much more. My favorite book in the wealth genre is The Millionaire Next Door (Stanley, 2010), which shows how the old virtue of frugality retains its basic
power: “Waste not, want not. Use it up, wear it out. Make do, or do
without.” Taleb’s (2012) Antifragile would have you put a small
but significant fraction into high-risk, high-payoff investments and the rest
in the safest, stodgiest investments you can find. You can double your money by playing red at roulette, once, if
successful. Hold back a little for bus fare for getting home.
is like saving, only riskier. So many schemes, so little time, so little
disposable income to put at risk. If you have a great idea, use
it to make money rather than to sell a book. Typically, once your great idea gets out, others will get into the act, and prices
will be bid up or down to erase the temporary advantage. If you are a Nobel
laureate in economic theory, then you might establish a firm like Long-Term
Capital Management, rely on exotic equations and naïve assumptions about
probability distributions, and go belly-up impressively.
Writing a book about money
should be approached with caution, because although “past performance is no
guarantee of future results,” you just might become rich and famous, which the
tabloids demonstrate is no way to find happiness.
From my magnum opus, Write Your Book with Me, written for neophytes and published by Outskirts Press, available from OP and online booksellers like amazon.com and bn.com in paperback and ebook formats.
The book is intended to inform, entertain, and get some of you to sign me up as your book writing and publishing coach, so see http://WriteYourBookWithMe.com. As Stephen King might have said, "Douglas Who?"
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