MARKETS: A Property Rights Approach,
by Terry L. Anderson and Gary
D. Libecap
Published in 2014 by Cambridge University Press.
Environmental conflicts naturally arise between those who
have competing uses for environmental resources, whether it’s enjoying clean
air and clean water, or using air and water to some degree as part of the
manufacturing of goods and the rendering of services.
Another conflict is between present and future users of
environmental resources, such as the issue of overfishing, a competition
between those who want fish now and those who want a sustainable yield in the
future. We have benefits and costs and
different users and different potential distributions of the benefits and costs.
Environmental conflict is especially noticeable in the
“tragedy of the commons,” where a lack of ownership of the common resource
means that no user has a strong incentive to preserve it, nor an effective
means to do so alone.
The authors investigate the degree to which market
solutions can be used to optimize the use of environmental resources. They
note, "Environmental economics often focuses on the failure of markets to
allocate and manage natural and environmental resources efficiently. Under the banner of externalities, markets fail
either because private costs are less than social costs or because private
benefits are less than social benefits.” Either way, there results an overuse
of the environmental features or an underuse.
Generally, proposed remedies are to use taxes or quotas to
reach the optimal amount of environmental use.
Is not clear whether the costs of establishing taxation and regulation
regimes outweigh the benefits they provide.
Taxes and regulations are not expected to produce optimal outcomes,
especially when political factors weigh heavily. For example, “fishing season limits have been
a common regulatory response to overharvest, but they generally result in
twenty-four-hour fish derbies, excessive investment in capital and labor to win
the derby, and a glut of fish during the season.…national Parks [are] overused
and underfunded and national forest management paralyzed by litigation and the
demands of competing groups.”
“As with regulation and taxes, property rights and market
exchange are costly, and it may not always be the case that it is socially
optimal to solve the environmental or resource problem.”
This book explores how to use property rights and markets
to allocate environmental resources, and it compares this to the regulatory and
tax alternatives. It was heavily influenced
by the work of Nobel-prize-winning economist Ronald Coase and his article “The
Problem of Social Costs.”
“We do not contend that markets can solve all environmental
problems or that political approaches always fail. Rather we offer a lens through which we can
tackle environmental problems using property rights and markets and compare
them to the regulatory and tax alternatives.”
One of the book’s goals is to show government leaders and
policymakers how to reduce transaction costs to enable market-based solutions
and private incentives to improve environmental quality and productive use.
Government can help shape of the creation of markets for
willing buyers and willing sellers in the environmental area, such as rights to
water usage.
“As environmental economists, we cannot resist the
efficiency gains that markets can provide, but we also embrace the potential of
markets to go hand-and-and with financial improvements.”
supplies more than 50% of the drinking water in the United States and is a
major source of irrigation.” The users of this groundwater essentially engage
in competition, by competitive pumping.
It’s like several people sharing a soda with their straws in the same
glass. While drinking rapidly has disadvantages,
the slow drinker ends up with much less of the soda.
Now, preventing the over-use of such resources is done by
government intervention through regulation and taxation Just as there can be
market failure, “there can be gov’t failure as well when policies are mold by
interest-group politics and by political and regulatory changes that may do
little for the environment or the provision of public goods.”
In fact, neither government nor market approaches are
Two types of analysis are common: positive analysis,
dealing with what is factual, and normative analysis, dealing with what various
parties prefer.
Some consideration should be given to the distribution of
the costs and benefits among different classes of people. “Although environmental justice can be
portrayed as an effort to provide improved conditions for poor and under-served
populations, environmental regulations themselves raise costs and are often
The tendency is to over-use the virtually free
environmental factors, so that the government is then called upon to restrict
this over-use, by setting quotas or fees or taxes, and then perhaps trying to
compensate some of those who have lost out due to the government intervention.
“if environmental markets or more cost-effective, there are
greater surpluses to compensate those who were alarmed by the policy.”
For example, development of oil and natural gas sources in
the Arctic carries with it some environmental risk, to be balanced against the
value of increased energy supplies.
Pumping out reservoirs of oil and gas and even water deplete these,
giving an incentive to those doing the pumping to remove these fluids as
rapidly as possible before someone else take them.
In situations where the users of the environment are spread
over a large area, they’re often unaware of the impact that they and their
distant neighbors are having on the environmental resource. Those upstream in a river will have a
distinct perspective from those downstream.
As the saying goes, “Where you stand often depends on where you sit.”
Often, these parties will be indifferent governmental jurisdictions,
complicating matters further.
Those who enjoy a clean air, may have unrealistic
requirements, and those who use it may be ignorant or uncaring about the impact
of dirtier air on others. The tragedy of
the commons is reciprocal.
Access without limitations leads to over-use and
under-protection. “…open-access problems
persist [because] it is costly to define and enforce rules via regulation or
environmental markets regarding who has access, who bears the cost and benefits
of decision-making, and who can capture the value of scarce environmental
Approaches using government for laws and regulations lead
to continuing interaction in the public body politic as various interest
groups, including “the public,” try to better their positions. Recognizing property rights to certain
environmental elements can also lead to continuing competition in the market
and in the courts by the parties involved.
Various cap-and-trade schemes make emission limits property values in
Making and changing laws and regulations has an impact on
the public, politicians, and businesses, so that this becomes the subjects of
legal, political, and economic competition.
“…regulation is controversial and may not always be the low-cost
Although taxes can be set to discourage over-use and to
compensate those who suffer from the use by others of the environmental
resource, the optimal level of taxation is quite difficult to determine. Currently, this taxation approach with
compensation has rarely been adopted.
In contrast, well-defined, enforceable property rights give
the owners incentives to use the resources prudently, in the present and
considering the future. These rights may be owned by individuals or
organizations of one type or another.
Prudent use maximizes the benefits to the owner. Innovation is rewarded. Markets often adjust more rapidly to change
than can government entities.
Property rights require the owner to be able to identify
and legally protect ownership of the asset and to transfer the asset through
market exchange. If the costs of
ownership and transfer are too high, compared with the value of them, then the
definition of such property becomes less attractive.
Property rights are more readily assignable for static and
observable resources such as land than for mobile resources such as river water
or hidden resources such as groundwater. Where excluding others from using the resource is difficult or impossible,
government can try to make the use of the resource a right rather than the
resource itself, the basis of “cap-and-trade” emissions limit markets, where
more cost-efficient emitters can profit by selling some of their unused rights
to emit. The authors give some reasons
why cap-and-trade schemes have worked less well than quotas on fishery catches.
Property rights are ownership of an asset that, with the
owner paying the costs and obtaining the benefits, avoid the problem of the
“tragedy of the commons.”
“There is no simple analysis, however, that can tell us
whether markets are better than regulation of vice versa. The answer depends on
the relative costs and benefits of alternative institutions.”
“…Mono Lake, an alkaline and hypersaline body of water, 300
miles northeast of the city [LA]. The
landowners held riparian water rights under California law that gives all
landowners whose property is adjoining to a body of water the right to make
reasonable use of it. If there’s not
enough water to satisfy all users, allotments are generally fixed in proportion
to frontage on the water source. These
rights cannot be sold or transferred other than with the adjoining land, and
water normally cannot be transferred out of the watershed because of impairment
to downstream rights holders.”
“Between 1941 and 1981, the lake’s level fell about 46 feet
and surface area receded from 90 to 60 square miles.” Environmental groups
proceeded to sue to limit Los Angeles’s use of Mono Lake water. Ultimately, a
commission ruling held that water diversions were to be stopped until the
lake’s level could rebound to a target of 6377 feet. This level is not likely to be met before the
year 2021. Many alternatives would likely
have been economically preferable in comparison to a wholly stopping the
diversions. “Once property rights were
rejected, the basis for bargaining was lost.”
“the more secure, durable, and complete our property
rights, the more affective they are for limiting losses of the common pool.”
Ownership can be transferred, and others can be excluded, preventing the losses
due to open access.… When transaction
costs are positive, property rights are never whole, compensation to aggrieved
parties is unlikely to be fully sufficient, monitoring is incomplete, and rent
dissipation is never fully constrained.
Transaction costs also hold for government regulation.…”
One can expect political opposition from those who
benefited from open access, for as long as the resource maintains some
value. Some of this opposition can be
mitigated to compensation losers. Not
only do regulators have to decide who is to be compensated but also for how
long and for what amounts. In regulating
fisheries, for example, sometimes the surplus equipment has been bought by the
government to compensate the owners.
It often takes a crisis of a diminished environmental
resource to get the stakeholders to work toward a solution, be it market-driven
or government-run. As the value of the resource diminishes, the losers have
less to lose and the winners have perhaps more to gain.
The authors categorize four “mechanisms for allocating
property rights”: “pure political distribution, uniform allocation, auction,
and grandfathering or first-possession.’”
distribution works best when the government can be trusted
and held accountable. However, even rich resources can be dissipated in
supplying political favors to the well-connected.
allocation, equal sharing, sounds attractive while avoiding “equal
access” to qualified claimants. Lotteries work this way. A race to obtain
Federal land in Oklahoma ended up being quite costly and of questionable
fairness. The Oklahoma “Sooners” are said to be those who left the starting
line sooner than prescribed in April 1889 or were on the land already, hiding
out. Equal partition is easier to measure than extent of prior use or time of
first possession. Lotteries for hunting licenses are examples. If such licenses
can be resold, “uniform allocation will ultimately place ownership rights in
the hands of those people who value them most highly.” Three issues arise:
prior owners, minimal resource values, lack of political advantage to
allocating the licenses.
Auctions raise money for the
original owners (government or private) and place the resources with those who
value them most, as reflected in their bids. They are hard to organize and will
be resisted by current private owners.
Grandfathering, the
right of first possession, is the “most common allocation mechanism.” Usually
the initial ownership was obtained by being first to claim it. Some owners will
have invested heavily in using the resource, and having out-competed others,
they may be the low-cost, high-value users already. Respecting those rights
suggests to others that theirs will be respected also, favoring investment.
Criticisms include: not fair to late-comers, gives away “rents” that could go
to the government, can produce ownership concentration, and requires arbitrary
selection of the “starting time” for grandfathering, the baseline period.
The authors give four sets of examples of the evolution of environmental
property rights into markets: “water rights, conservation credits, emission
allowances, and tradable fishery shares.”
The rights that are studied are not quite simple property
rights but rather usage rights that can be traded as though they were property.
Such rights are not as secure from political interference
as simple land property rights are. These
usage privileges are therefore riskier as investments than simple land property
ownership is. This weakens the
environmental market to some degree. Property
rights must be protected from regulatory takings to allow markets to improve
environmental quality.
The Oregon Water Trust started in 1993 as a nonprofit
organization designed to help maintain and restore stream quality using market
forces. It required some changes in law
to go from the Western principle of “use it or lose it.” Leaving stream water unused
had to be redefined as a “beneficial use.” The owners of water rights were
allowed to assign them to others for environmental purposes. Many of their rivers and streams were
suffering from excessively low flows due to diversions and appropriations.
The Trust worked to develop relationships with all
stakeholders. Its focus on the smaller
of the streams enabled it to make bigger changes in their conditions. The Trust generally uses short-term leases. The leased water is not removed from the stream,
reverting to its original use at the end of the lease. Approximately 30% of the restricted use has
been donated and 70% has been obtained through the leasing options.
The authors identify several conditions that have helped
the Oregon Trust be successful: first, the parties must share in the goal of
protecting the environmental resource; second, there needs to be differences in
the value of the resource between its use in production and its use to protect
environmental quality; third, environmental use has got to be recognized
legally; fourth, the parties involved must trust each other; fifth, historical
uses of the resource must not be placed at risk; sixth, bureaucratic
interference must be minimized; and seventh, there must be mechanisms for
buyers and sellers to get together, to bargain, and to have such agreements enforced.
A second example is the Colorado-Big Thompson Project that
brings water across the Rocky Mountains from the Colorado River Basin in the west
to the South Platte River Basin in northeastern Colorado.
“The Colorado – Big Thompson has by far the most active
water market in the western United States in terms of numbers of trades and
sales. For this reason, we have more
data and can illustrate the nature and timing of exchanges.” The water is
traded in uniform water units, each a share of the annual amount of water
available from the Project. This will fluctuate
The shares are identical to
reach other. As time has gone on, the
urban uses have been more valuable than the agricultural uses, and the market
has reflected that. If they have bought
more than they need, cities can choose to lease back the units that they’ve
purchased in times when agriculture has the greater need. The most active trading is typically moving
the water from agricultural uses to urban uses.
The values of the shares have turned out to be quite similar, on the average,
for the urban and the agricultural uses.
Essentially, a market price for water in the region has been developed.
In the future, population growth and increased
environmental and recreational demand along with traditional and uses is
expected to make water scarcer and more valuable in the western states. The impact
of any warming trend remains to be determined.
This book should be read by all who want to be involved in
debates over environmental policy and would make an excellent text for a
college course.
Douglas Winslow Cooper, Ph.D.
formerly, Associate Professor of Environmental Health Physics
Harvard School of Public Health.
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