Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Promote Your Book from Amazon to Social Media

 Amazon sells more than half the book copies sold in the U.S. and is eager to help you sell more of your own books. Here’s a tip for authors.

Go to your book’s amazon.com page. For example, here’s the link to mine for WRITE YOUR BOOK WITH ME:

Toward the upper-right of the book's page, Amazon invites you to share information about the book, showing icons for

email, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and an <embed> capability.

Clicking on one of the icons, the Twitter bird for example, produces a short message with the link back to the book’s Amazon page plus some space to add your own message.

You don’t want to bore your readers with the same message daily, so skip a few days between posting to a given social media site if you only have a book or two to promote. With several, you can rotate through them and through the sites addressed. You can vary your messages, too.

My rotation, for Twitter, for example, could schedule daily Tweets, with the following order, for days ending in the indicated number (the OR books will alternate):

0 – Ting and I,   OR   Shattered Dreams at Rainbow's End
1 – The Shield of Gold,  OR   Retirement? No. Refirement!
2 – High Shoes and Bloomers,  OR   PAIN FREE Made Crystal Clear!
3 – But at What Cost?, OR   Frustrated with Life?
4 – What Ever Happened to My White Picket Fence?
5 – Home Is Where the Story Begins,  OR  Broken, then Healed
6 – SOLVED: Curing Your Medical Insurance Problems    
7 – Write Your Book with Me
8 – Good Grief
9 – How to Manage Nursing Care at Home, OR   A Lumbee Gershom

To have more options for your rotation, you can have twenty by using odd or even tens to distinguish: 02 and 22 = High Shoes, 12 and 32 = PAIN FREE, or even more by making every day of the month a different entry.

On the 17th, I used Amazon to Tweet and post to my Facebook Page about Write Your Book with Me.

Try it. You’ll find it easy. It seems likely to increase your book sales.

Douglas Winslow Cooper, Ph.D. 
Write Your Book with Me

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